
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Just Keep Swimming!

We loving swimming around here 
and where we live now...
we have a pool that we can walk to and use everyday!  
Love it! And so do the girls not so much shorty. He more or less just looks at it.  

So what can we be found doing????












and Walking Home Wet!


Friday, June 21, 2013

Swimmin, Splashin, and Having a Good Time!

So what does this girl do with her summer?  She volunteers a week at camp!  Royal Family Kids Camp!  If you have never heard of this wonderful camp check it out here or go see the movie, "Camp". (take a Kleenex box with you)

Because of the nature of this camp, I will not share names or where the camp is located.  It was very hard to not have pictures of camp...if you know me.  I want to remember their sweet faces.  I have a few things to help me journal, notes, purple hair ribbon, a signed shirt, my one year pin, and my name tag. I will cherish those sweet things.  

Here are some preparations that happened before camp...

Cards were made for beautiful children by my kids and sweet friends. My campers wanted me to share how much they loved their mail...Thank you!

My sister unknowingly donated these cute soaps to the girls. I had fun making them. Thanks for the supplies Jen! They loved, loved, LOVED these!

Here are just some of the volunteers that it took to bless almost 40 kids!!!

This is what I can share about my week....

Our days were filled with food made with love, swimming, archery, new clothes, a very purple cabin, lovingly placed band-aids, Birthday Party, frogs, games, giggles, sand between the toes, purple ribbons in braided hair, silent prayers, brightly painted nails, yellow swim bracelets, hand jives, candy, crafts, painting,  loud singing, hearts on cheeks, cheering, bouncing in inflatables, life lessons, notes of love, side hugs, laughing, memory books, tears of joy, and tears of hope that God loves them more than us.  

This is how we woke up the girls each morning!

And this is a song they sang to end each day!

I will change your name
You shall no longer be called
wounded, outcast.
lonely or afraid

I will change your name
Your new name shall be
Confidence, Joyfullness
Overcoming One, Faithfulness
Friend of God!

Oh my heart is blessed!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

School's Out!

The books have been read.  The homework has been done.  The test have been taken.  Our first year of homeschool is officially over!  And guess what?   We survived!  

I am reminded of that old song I remember hearing back when I was a kid....
School's out! School's out!
Teacher let the fools out!
No more pencils,
No more books,
No more teacher's dirty looks!

No more long, weekly spelling and vocabulary list to study!!!
Hahahaha do you remember that!!!  However, I do not consider my kids fools at all.  I am impressed with what they learned here at home.  It was sooooo hard.  But I could not be more proud!  They worked very hard!!!
No more really hard World History tests!

Maybe their song might go more like this...
School's out! School's out!
Time to throw the homework out!
No more pencils,
No more books,
No more mother's dirty looks!

Ahahahahahaha  that is probably more like it!
I have nightmares about these!  Let's not discuss them anymore...ever!
We worked together pretty well for the most part.  Being at home 24/7 is definitely something to adjust to.  I have to be honest, homeschooling is not for the faint of heart.  This was tough stuff.  There was crying.  There were angry words.  There were unhappy hearts.  There was even a mama who many times wondered, "What in the world was I thinking? Off to regular school with the two of you!" Yup, that was me. I think I have more gray hairs to prove it to!
No more studying, and more studying, and more studying!
But then....

 One afternoon, around 2pm when all the other kids are at school, Kierstyn yelled from her bedroom window while I was outside, "Hi, MOM!"  That one single moment reminded me why I love homeschooling.  I get to be a part of their lives everyday!  

The many good things out weighed the tough stuff....for the most part.  
(So, the moral of this story...if you are trying to talk someone into homeschooling...don't send them my way.  I will be very honest.  ahahahahahaha I may talk them out of it.)

But guess what?....We are going to do it again next year!
No more of this Blahhhhhhh!
For the last day, we celebrated with our yearly tradition....Ice Cream!

We are so proud of these kids!

And guess who gets to be a part of the fun next year!!!  Yup, or new Kindergartener! Lord, HELP US!

And now some rest for the weary mama!  Nope not I got to entertain these children for the summer.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Lord, help us all....

Thursday, June 6, 2013

38 is Great!

The girls and I made this.  We printed them, cut them out, and strung them. So easy and so cute...except that I am not a MSU fan.  It would look better Maize and Blue!
My dear hubby turned 38 yesterday!  He is so wonderful.  So, the kids and I decided to make him feel special all day long. We made a "Food Bouquet" full of all his favorite goodies and the girls delivered it to his work.  Much better than flowers any day for this guy. We then had lunch together at McD's!  
So what was in the bouquet of food???...cheddar pringles, Mt. Dew, homemade
chocolate chip cookies, mini rolos, mini peanut butter cups.  

When he got home after his long day, dinner was waiting for him.  We made his requested birthday dinner homemade meatballs, mashed potatoes, and corn.  A very typical Johnson dinner.  LOL

My little baker made daddy's cake and cookies for the day.  She is at a point where all I have to do is put them in the oven. She is still a little nervous about that. The girls also help with the decorations. 

We sang and watched him blow out his candles.

 I made him take pictures with all of us.  We then sent the kids to bed and ended the night with a free birthday rental from the movie store.  Did you know Family Video did that???  We watched the newest Batman movie.  It was pretty good.  

Here is John's facebook status update from yesterday. 
"I sat in front of my birthday cake tonight racking my brain trying to think of what to wish for. You don't want to waste a birthday wish ya know. But I realized I have everything I want. I am so blessed. Tonight I blew out my candles and wished for nothing!" 
What a guy!
Happy Birthday My Love!
Get JOY!