
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Proverbs 22 "A Call for Children"

6. Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

I love verses with a promise. I cling to this verse for my own children. I want my kids to know Christ and experience His presence. So before all of you who have no kids or maybe you think you are too old to deal with children hang on and please continue reading....

There are two points that I want to make about this verse.

First, it doesn't say parents. As Christians we have an obligation to our young people from birth to adulthood. We are to mentor them, encourage them, disciple them, help them, pray with them and love them. They are our future church. If you have ever been to a baby dedication the congregation is asked to do these things and if you ever said you would then you have a job to do. I take those moments so seriously. God is calling us all to be a light to these young hearts no matter our situations in life. Why? Their souls depend on us, heavy but oh so true.

According to Barna Research the probablility of accepting Christ is much greater among children, than by teens and adults. In children between the ages of 5 and 13 the probability of accepting Christ is 32%. It drops to 4% for those between the ages of 14 and 18, and picks up to only 6% for the rest of life. The ripest field is children.

Secondly, we can not train if we are not trained. Here is the personal responsibility on our part to have our hearts in the right place with God. If I am not living with a pure heart than how can I expect my children, or any children for that matter, follow suit. God is calling us to something so much bigger than ourselves. Maybe, it is teaching in a Sunday School, Wednesday night program or teaching a class for parents. Volunteering to help teachers is another option. Taking kids names before the Lord in prayer is a great idea. Drive kids to church. Sending cards and letters can be an encouragement to them. Ask your Children's Pastor of Director where they need help. Work in the Nursery. There are so many creative things we can do to minister to our kids.

Jesus is coming soon; we need to be found ready and about His business.
Today, I will give joy to a child and then I will...


Check out my friend's perspective on Chapter 22!

The picture is of my Grandpa and my Uncle, both love the Lord.

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