
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Proverbs 11 "Tree of Life"

Today is very windy. Some of my recycling has blown all over my yard. I will have to go fetch some milk jugs when I am done writing. Wind is a very funny thing, on a hot day a cool breeze can be refreshing, it can also help with energy. Wind is powerful. Wind can be the most destructive thing on our planet. Tornadoes, hurricanes, high winds in their might and furry leave only destruction. But, just as quickly wind is gone. Proverbs 10 says

He who brings trouble on his family will inherit only wind,

Having wind is really having nothing at all.

30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
Here is a verse I learned as a kid. And this is more of what I want to be. I want to be a tree of life. I want to bring nourishment to those around me. I want to be shade for those who need comfort. I want to be an oasis to those who are in need of Christ; so that through me souls might be saved.

Proverbs 11 is full of ways that we improve ourselves and to be an example. So that we can win souls for Christ.

Show humility, not pride vs. 1

Have integrity vs. 3

Be blameless vs. 5

Seek righteousness vs. 6

Be slow to speak, guard your words vs.12

Do not gossip vs 13

Be trustworthy vs 13

Be kind vs. 16 & 17

Do not let your heart become perverse vs. 20

Have discretion vs. 22

Be a giver vs.24 &25

Seek good vs. 27

Do not be greedy vs.28

Wow, if we can display these things in our lives what a representative for Christ we would be!

This list will be my prayer today...

Lord, I do not want to inherit the wind. I do not want to bring destruction upon my family. Help me to be like the tree of life. Help me, though my actions, win souls to you. Help me in every area in Proverbs 11, that you may delight in me.

When I delight you Father then I will truly...


Check out my friends perspective on Chapter 11!
I took that picture on a field trip with my daughter last year. I love fall!

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