
Monday, March 9, 2009

Proverbs 9 "Dinner Bell is Ringing"

Which house will we enter is the decision we need to make here. I love how God uses a picture here of two houses. We have the house of wisdom and the house of folly. He shows us the result of entering each house and the promise we will receive. If we enter the house of wisdom then we will receive understanding and add days, years to our life. If we enter the house of folly than we will be lost and death will be our outcome.

Choosing Christ is a decision we need to make every day. Yes, sometimes it may be hard to choose the house of wisdom; but there is joy unspeakable there. We can not be tempted to even go have coffee in the other house; there are definite consequences if we do. The question today needs to be answered. Which house will you choose?

Folly is waiting for us at her home. She has stolen some good wine and some nice meat. She has a pretty good view of the city. Things look like they might be nice; but death is in her home. Sin is like that, looks good on the outside and maybe even fun for awhile. Soon enough it begins to rob you of everything and leaves you with nothing.

The Lord is call for us to come into his home. He has it all ready for us. He has His best linens out. The finest china is at each seat. He has made the best wine and prepared the finest cut of meat. He has all the servants ready to serve. Our name card is at neatly placed. All He is waiting for now is our presence. Let's partake of the Lord's wisdom; let it restore our souls, strengthen our bones and renew our minds.

I love that God does not drag us there, nor pull us kicking and screaming. He does not make us come at all. He has given us the gift of choice. He has allowed us to choose to love Him. He has allowed us to choose to come into His house and be with Him. Oh, how He longs for us all to come; because we are His creation; but love demanded is not love at all. God is so good to us. I think I will join Him in that cup of coffee (well maybe tea, I don't care for coffee).

Verse 10 & 11 is a great one:

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life.

So, while you dine with Him today...

Get Joy!

Check out my friends perspective on Proverbs 9!

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