
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Heaven's Voice

I miscarried a baby 10 years ago (weird that seems to me, time flys so quickly) This poem was given to me. It was such an comfort during my loss. I thought I would post it here in remembrance of our little one lost Tuesday, October 27 1998....

Heaven's Voice
Mama, although you can't see me right now for a while,
I'm growing in heaven and I often smile.
You'll always be special and close to my heart,
for you gave me life mom right from the start.

Mama please know I love you so much,
the time will soon come when I feel your touch.
On that glorious day we'll meet again,
look for me mom, I have Daddy's grin.

For now you must know I am happy and strong,
I play with the angels they teach me their songs,
If you listen real close, the songs you will hear
on the wind of the Spirit, they'll be so clear

So mama rejoice in our God who is strong,
time will pass quickly it won't be too long.
We'll stand together and look face to face,
beholding each other in this glorious place.

We'll worship forever our God who is true,
and love me enough, to give me to you.
-Cindi Diane Markham

Even in loss, I have a JOY that is unspeakable and FULL of glory because I have hope in meeting my baby soon.


  1. That is so beautiful, Christina. I was actually thinking about all of this recently. I am so thankful for the three beautiful children you have. But I am also looking forward to meeting all my "other" nieces and nephews (as well as other relatives) in heaven!

  2. That is beautiful Christina. Thank you for sharing. :) What a reunion we will have in heaven with those we love.
    Your friend,


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