
Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Mom Named Agnes and Mother's Day!

We drive through a cemetery on the way to church. Sometimes, I laugh at this because I think it is God's not so subtle way of reminding me of how short life is. Anyway, today I saw a man get out of his truck and walk over to a grave. The stone had the name Agnes on it. I can only assume that he wanted to take some time today and remember his mother. With my kids in the back seat, I was reminded by God that subtle little thing about life being short. We all go through life cycles. Once Agnes held that man in her arms; just like I hold my son in my arms now.

God wanted to remind me how valuable my job is to the three little ones that sat so quietly in the back seat of the car today. I need to take every moment and tell them how much I love them and care about them. I need to show them Christ's love and tell them of His grace for them. I need to do it as often as possible so that when I exit this world into eternity I have done all that I can.

I also couldn't help but wonder what that man may have been thinking. Was he sorry for things left unsaid, was he sad for the way he treated her, maybe he was thanking God for giving him such a wonderful mom. Whatever it was, I hope that my children's thoughts about me are of how much I loved them and how much I wanted them to know of God's great love. I also want them to remember that our separation is only temporary for one day they will be in heaven too.

That man also reminded me of that I should never let things go unsaid. We never know how long God is going to allow us to be with our loved ones. I am thankful for my mother. She has taught me so much about how to be a good mom to my kids. I love her so much and she is so beautiful to me. When I talked to her on the phone today the last thing she wanted to say to me was that I was a great mom. She always knows how to make me feel so good inside. She has become so much more than a mom to me.

We had a mother daughter banquet yesterday. The girls and I got all dressed up and had a wonderful time. The theme was, "Diamonds"; but not in the way that the world would want us to be, but being beautiful on the inside is what matters. So, ladies here is a verse to help us be a woman that our children can look up to.

I Peter 3
3Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

Have a wonderful Mother's day! Let's remember the beauty of our mother's and be reminded of the calling to bring beauty to our children.
Be blessed and ...


The pictures are from the banquet. It took me three hours to do all our hair; Yikes, but it was a lot of fun doing it. I like to think I saved $60. John just laughs at that.

1 comment:

  1. All three of you look so beautiful! I just wanted to give you all big hugs! Great job on the hair--and a bargain, too! Ha!

    The older I get the more I know that my job as a mom is important to the boys, but also to their friends and other kids that visit our home. Such a high calling.

    Happy belated Mother's Day!


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