
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today my baby turns ONE!

Today, my baby turned one! I feel it was just yesterday I was counting down the days till his due date. I remember at church for the last three weeks of pregnancy everybody saying, "You haven't had that baby yet!" I could hardly wait for his arrival and now he is one!
How amazing he is to me. I never thought that he could bring me as much joy as he has. He is truly God's great gift to me. He lights up a room when he is there. His smile is adorable and his eyes melt your heart. Everyday, I thank the Lord for allowing him to be given to me. Our children are such precious gifts and blessings. Lord, bless him today!
Here are some pictures of his day! We went to Bennigan's after some toy shopping. What a great day of celebration of the birth of the sweetest baby boy in the world!

Micah 6:8
He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

Happy Birthday Baby and boy did we...

Oooh my favorite sandwich at Bennigan's! Love it and had to take a picture of it! The Monte Cristo!


  1. Happy Birthday little Micah! :) that dessert looks AMAZING! :) and, the Monte Cristo is Jeremy's favorite sandwich there as well. :) looks yummy!

  2. How funny... monte cristo is my favorite at Claddaugh's in Lansing. We definitely have similar tastes in things! :)

    Happy Birthday Micah! I'm going to have to agree - he does light up the room, too cute!


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