
Monday, October 26, 2009

100th Post

So, for my 100th post I wanted to get together with everyone and do something fun. I thought I would ask you to go on a walk with me. Fall is one of my two favorite seasons. I love the changing trees here in Mid Michigan. The ones that I love the most are the red trees. I found this beautiful tree that I wanted to show you. Get your sweatshirt jacket and mittens and lets go....

Thanks for following me if you are and thanks to all who stop by my blog! Now go get a cup a hot cocoa curl up under a fuzzy blanket and...

That was much better than sharing 100 things about me was boring...long and I only could get to 52! LOL


  1. You are awesome! You can add that to the list of 100 things about you! Thanks for the morning walk! It was very refreshing!!! :)

  2. Even though we are apart, I Get Joy just sharing your life in these small episodes. I love that both you and your sister share your lives so openly and freely with all who have ears to hear.

    Love Dad


Thanks for stopping by GET JOY! I enjoy getting comments on my posts so feel free to leave one. Have a blessed day and .....