
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jeremiah 29:11

My next all time favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11! I think this verse so clearly tells us what God wants for us. Sometimes when I am confused or seem disoriented this verse can so quickly focus me back to where He wants me to be.

I picked this picture because it is my favorite of John and me. But I also picked to go with this verse. God has had a plan for me before I was even conceived. He had a plan for my future and a major part of that future is John. God picked him for me and me for him. He knew that we would bring three wonderful little people into this world. He knew that He was putting together a team that would share the love of Christ. He also wants our marriage to be a picture of His relationship with the church. What a huge responsibility but a great privilege!

Little did I know in the Fairlane School Cafeteria near the pop machines at the ripe age of 15...God would be beginning the makings of something amazing. John came up to me and asked me to marry him...and I thought he was crazy!

God's plans for us are Peace, Hope & and Future. Knowing that I am in His plans gives me such joy! Today, I will....

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