
Monday, October 12, 2009

Jamaica Here I Come!

So, I am going to pause from my "Get Joy" Book Verses today. Tomorrow, I will share I Timothy 2:5-6.
I am really excited to share that in November I am going to Jamaica to go work at the City of Refuge children's home. My sister and I are going down to visit my sister's best friend and go to work. We are going to help in the classrooms, I am going to paint a mural and maybe we will go help in the coffee fields. I am so excited that I make my sister laugh. Anyway, I would just ask that all of you be in prayer for me and Jen. Also pray for my mom who is coming up to help John with the kids. I will be gone for 8 days. I have never been away from my kids that long. I am just so thrilled to have the opportunity to go...lets just hope I get my passport in time.

This is Laura's kindergarten class. Jen and I will be staying with her in her apartment. It is going to be so much fun! These kids are too cute!

This children's home is up in the mountains....pretty cool...I know!

Steve and Kim Puffpaff are the Assembly of God missionaries there. They will not be there during our visit because they are in the States raising funds. I have written Kim and they seem like extraordinary people.

Just looking at those could I not...

I promise to take a ton of pictures and I will most certainly write about it!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read all about what God does through you and shows you during this time! I will definetly be praying.


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