
Friday, October 9, 2009

Philippians 4:13

When I was a kid this verse was my favorite. I think it is a great verse for everyone but there is just something about it that makes it really great for kids. I think I liked it so much because when I was younger EVERYTHING seemed new, strange or unsure. Kids have test, sports, figuring out abilities, just a lot of stuff coming at them very quickly. I remember that when I was faced with something new and scary I would remember this verse...

Now, I picked this picture of my oldest daughter because of what she did that was so amazing to me last year. She decided to try out for the
High School Musical here in Gladwin. I remember going to the tryouts terrified for her. To my amazement she went up there with no fear, read her lines and sang out "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". Never in my life have I been so proud of her (don't worry I know there are going to be many more to come...I am so excited). This picture reminds me of this verse.

We can not let fear grip us. We can not let the fear of something new stump us from doing it. I hate flying and in a month I am going to Jamaica on a mission's trip. I can not let that fear keep me from going. If I let fear control me than I will never do anything. That is not what Christ commanded us. He told us to go into all the world preaching the gospel. It is through Christ that gives us strength to do amazing things for His glory.

So, tonight teach your kids this verse. Have them memorize it so when they feel scared, nervous or afraid they can repeat it and know that they can do it!

Christ gives us cool is that?!!!!

Don't worry I see that I forgot the "s" in Philippians...I'll go fix it now!

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