
Monday, October 12, 2009

Philippians 4:8

"Get Joy" Book Verses

Sometimes our mind can get "stuck" on a problem, an issue or a crisis. Whatever it is that we are going through we need to make sure our hearts and thoughts are fixed on Jesus!

I love this picture of my daughter. I think she is so beautiful. I want more than anything for her to grow in confidence and courage. All to often in youth ministry, I see young girls who do not think well of themselves at all. They think they are ugly, useless or stupid. They have an inner dialogue repeating itself over and over.

My prayer for my children is that they will get this verse in their hearts. That instead of focusing on what the world thinks about them that they will fill their minds about all the wonderful things God has for them.

This verse is great for us adults too. We need to be cautious with what we focus on. Lately, when something pop's in my head that is not glorifying to God I start worshiping....

Blessed are those who dwell in Your house
They are ever praising You
Blessed are those whose strength is in You
Whose hearts are set on our God

We will go from strength to strength
Until we see You face to face

Hear our prayer
Oh Lord, God almighty
Come bless our land
As we seek You
Worship You

For You are holy
For You are holy
For You are holy, Lord

"Blessed" Hillsong
From Psalm 84!

Let's try to keep our minds in the direction of Christ and not on ourselves.

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