
Monday, October 12, 2009

Proverbs 31:30

There are a few verses that directly speak to women. When there is one I really try to make sure I listen up. God has a very specific job for us and I want to do it the best that I can. I have blogged about Proverbs 31 before, you can check it out here!

Proverbs 31:10-31 is a great passage for any woman to study. I specifically like this one because I think it sums up the passage very nicely. I like this verse because once again God cuts to the heart of the matter. He knows how women can be and what can become important if we do not keep our eyes fixed on Him.

Charm and beauty all too often can quickly become an important thing in a women's life for various reasons. I think our society clearly shows how beauty is so important in a warped way. God says that these things are deceitful and vain. Ouch! God doesn't hold back here. *

The most important thing to Him is that we fear Him. Not an "Ooooo Scary...I am afraid of God" fear but a fear that understands the glory, righteousness, and awesomeness of our great and mighty God. It is a reverent fear. When God is more important than our outward appearance and we let Him transform our inward beings; then He can do something amazing in us and through us.

The picture is of my grandma. She lives out Proverbs 31 for me. She is one of those people that are my rocks. I know she is always praying for me. She gives me a call probably once a month to see how I am doing. She is truly a beauty in my eyes as in the eyes of Christ. She is my example of a Proverbs 31 woman. ~ Thanks Grandma!

1 comment:

  1. I love your Grandma! She is definitely a wonderful example of a God fearing woman. Love the picture of her, too. Thanks for sharing.


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