
Monday, October 12, 2009

Romans 8:37-39

This verse quickly became one of my favorites when we were living in Petoskey. My pastor's wife was having a birthday and I wanted to make her something. I worked at a paint your own pottery place at the time and I was going to paint her a plate. I had asked her what her favorite verse was and this was it.
As I painted the verse on her plate it really became alive to me, funny how God uses things to speak to us. I nearly cried over every word as my brush copied every line. I know that after the hours of work put into that plate...God had worked over my heart. Sometimes, we doubt God and we question how He could really love us. My friends there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. He always has and always will love us. The question is...are we going to accept His love?

Rest in His love today and...

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