
Monday, January 18, 2010

Break My Heart for What Breaks Yours! ~Primal

I am reading the book "Primal" by Mark Batterson along with my friend Jenilee. We just finished chapter one. If you are interested you can follow along with Jenilee's in depth study here at her blog, "My Awake Journey". But here I am just going to discuss bits that moved me in the book.

In Primal one sentence keeps capturing my spirit and that is that our hearts should break for what breaks God's. There is a song by Hillsong called "Hosanna" the bridge goes like this...

Heal my heart and make it clean

Open up my eyes to the things unseen

Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours

Everything I am for your kingdoms cause

As I go from earth to Eternity

Mark Batterson challenges to get back to the primal faith, our first love, the new heart that we received when we first came to Christ. To many Christians are not following the commandment of not loving our God with all of our hearts, our minds, our strength our whole being.

I think last week is a good test of were your heart may be...if you did not weep for Haiti ....does your heart break like His. If you were not move to compassion over the hurting people in Haiti...does your heart break like His. If you did not feel inspired to give all that you can...does your heart break like His. Sometimes, events like this can be a measuring stick of where your heart is.

Father, show me how to love like you. Let my heart break for what breaks yours. Give me compassion. Give me that primal faith!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that song. thanks for sharing what you are learning from the book. I love learning from you!


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