
Friday, March 19, 2010

A Story About Girl & a Boy and Their New Kitchen! Part 4

So I have a bunch of pictures for you.....

Yesterday, I spent most of the day sanding, sanding sanding and then painting, painting and more painting. I paid for it during the night, my carpel tunnels really flared up. Thankfully, my chiropractor squeezed me in this morning for an adjustment and a sit in his massage chair. My right shoulder is feeling much better.

Here are my pretty white cabinets all done. I can't wait to get the counter top ordered. It is gonna look great.
All you homeowners out there please do not ever put a popcorn ceiling in. It is a terrible headache to all of us future owners to remove. hahaha This project is very messy and time consuming. I can only do a little at a time; but it is looking better already!

Here is my ceiling in this bucket now. I am gonna fill this many times before I am finished...very sad, very sad.

We removed our cabinets after dinner and here is what we found behind all of them, many, many, many, strangely many holes. Either the builder didn't have a stud finder or was having a hard time measuring 16 inches. John and I are still baffled by the holes: we got a good laugh out of that find. Maybe, he wanted to play a game of connect the dots.

Here are the cabinets gone.... Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! What a glorious day!!!!! ..Ugh, more work to repair that wall; but I only have to do the wall on the left. The right wall is what we are taking out.

So we are taking some of a wall out and John said I could take a hammer to it if I wanted to...I did! I love demolition!

A new kitchen is in sight......I will.....

Tomorrow, Bob C. is coming to do the electrical...hopefully nobody gets zapped putting the 220 line in! LOL

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