
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday Walk ~ Cruising to the Bahamas

My friend asked a question in her Wednesday Walk today. I got me thinking of the places tropical I have been, not many I am afraid to say. I have already written about Jamaica here and Mexico (does that count?) here.

I was thinking and remembered one of my other places I have been. I shutter to say it but 16 years ago (Yikes really 16) for my senior class trip we went on a cruise. Yep, I said it a cruise. Most people usually moan about there class trip when I talk about mine. I went to a Christian school so my class was pretty small and we raised a lot of money and we got a pretty great price on the trip.

So our cruise took us to two ports Key West and Nassau Bahamas.

There I am on that rock! You can not see it real well but there are waves crashing behind me.

I went snorkeling for the first time. It was not a great experience though. It started ok but a storm was coming in and the water got real choppy real fast. It was hard to see stuff and it was really hard to swim back to the boat and I am a good swimmer. I got a little scared. I will just have to try it again some other time. But I thought Jenilee would appreciate the picture. I told her recently her hubby, John and I would be good friends. : )

Charlotte, few other friends and I rented a limo for a day on Nassau. We toured the island and got to see some fun things. There is our driver in the picture below. He offered us Bahama Mama's a few times and took us to a casino. Don't worry I didn't drink any or gamble. : )

I loved being able to dress up every night for dinner. Oh, and dinner was always fantastic. I think I love food way tooo much hahaha. I tried lobster tail for the first time. It was so good but when I went to take the meat out of the tail the lobster meat slipped out unto my lap of the borrowed dress I was wearing. Butter was everywhere. I wasn't going to waste the lobster so I just put back on my plate and ate it. LOL

I think you could have eaten all day on that boat. The food was always so beautifully displayed, far tooooo tempting to stay on the boat. It was a good thing Charlotte and I went exploring a lot or I probably would have eaten myself into a coma. (Look at my braids...hahahaha)

With all this cool weather here in Michigan, this last picture is looking real good right now. They took us over to this island off of Nassau. I think they taped some of Gilligan's Island here or something. You could swim with dolphins here, lay in a hammock, explore the island or go swimming. It was a great time. I love this picture. I will dream of it today!

I really want to take my family on a cruise sometime, it was a great vacation. Remembering good times always helps me......

Jenilee at The Goodwin Family is hosting Wednesday's Walk.


  1. you look so cute in those pictures! I love the clothes and the hats and of course, the snorkel! :) you would get along with jeremy. :) thanks for getting those pictures out and sharing them! I love it!

  2. Those pictures were cute. It looks like ya had fun!

    I've not been to a tropical place. Except I grew up in California and loved the beautiful weather there...and I have been to Florida on a vacation.

    England was our biggest trip...and we spent a month there 6 yrs. ago.

    Someday I would love to go to Italy. I love Tuscany!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  3. I am popping over from Jenilee's. Fun photos! Ah, that would be wonderful to take a cruise with family. I was able to go with our older daughter on her Senior Class cruise. And our younger daughter went with her Senior Class. so, just my hubby and our son have not had the experience. One day that would be what we would love to do...I really loved all the food that was included too! :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Hope you get a chance to come by my place...& if you do please, leave a comment so that I know that you were there :o) I read taht you live in Michigan...My dad lives right near the U.P. and one of my aunt's live in Traverse City.


Thanks for stopping by GET JOY! I enjoy getting comments on my posts so feel free to leave one. Have a blessed day and .....