
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Freeing the Fat~ Week 2, Day 5


I cheated...yes I am willing to admit it...I cheated today. I had a bite of my son's pizza. It was rough and I did take I bite. LOL I don't think it will not ruin anything though. : )

So another new favorite is a lime. It sure does make water taste better. Thanks to my sister for directing me towards this cute little fruit. It has a fun taste. Try it instead of a lemon some time!

Here are my meals today....

This was a good meal. Light whole wheat toast with light margarine. A yummy orange was also on the menu. That egg was suppose to be sunny side up...well it just turned into all messed up. Slap a little dollop of salsa on it and it looks great!

Oooooooo doesn't my lunch look pretty?! There were a few sad things about this dish. No mayo in my tuna, so I chopped up a pickle to help. I think I really would have liked the fattening ranch for this. But the non-fat ranch will just have to do. I liked the look and ease of this dish.


Hahaha this one made me laugh. I felt like I was in daycare working again. This looks like a snack I would give to my kids back then. Don't get me was good. I love animal crackers. I use to get a big bag to have in my dorm room at CBC. I knew they were low fat and low calories...and back then I was avoiding the freshman 15! LOL I love that I could only have 8...only 8! Count them there are only 8. I also love that I can only identify (for certain) 5 of the animal shapes. How many can you??????


Was good..but I unfortunately did test the noodles before I put them on my plate and they were a little undercooked; but over all a good. I think I would add another clove of garlic to this one for some more flavor. Oh and by the way I love a big YEAH for this dish.

I sautéed garlic and leftover red peppers from lunch, then I added 4 oz of shrimp. Add one cup of crushed tomatoes. I added oregano too. When finished cookin dump it over one cup of whole wheat noodles. This was very easy to make and once again too much for me to finish.


On our bike ride the baby trailer totally blew a tire. I think I filled it up with too much air. It was pretty loud. Some people passing us by at the time even commented about it. hahahaha Oh and it started at the beginning of our ride but too far into it to go back home. Work those muscles them. It was a great evening to ride bikes; it was a lot of fun.

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