
Monday, November 8, 2010

Ephesians 2 ~ I Am Now A....

The Goodwin Family

Don't forget to visit my dear friend Jenilee and her thoughts on Ephesians 2!

Ephesians 2

Theme for the whole book of Ephesians: Reconciliation & Unity

Chapter Breakdown...

1. Made Alive in Christ (vs. 1-10)
2. Jew & Gentile Reconciled through Christ

What God Wants To Show Me Today

Three things really (there is so much more but I will just keep it to three)...

1. I Am Alive!

In the first 10 verses we are reminded about who we were and who we became through Christ.

4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

We were slaves to the world and through the work of the cross Jesus free gift of grace was given to us when we believe. I love the visual of being made alive. I kind of see it as a seed. If you never put it in soil and water it will never become anything it will in fact decay into nothing. However, put that seed in soil and water can become something beautiful.

We are like that seed. The seed is intended for greatness; but if it is never planted it is useless. When we give ourselves to Jesus, He gives us life. He plants us. He waters us. We become alive, living, growing....producing fruit.

2. I am His Masterpiece!

I love verse 10...

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

I am an artist. So, this idea...I totally get. I love to paint. I love to create. I love that God created me. I love that every stroke is full of purpose and meaning. Every color is God's glory in me. I am meant for greatness.

3. I am His Citizen!

My Grandpa was drafted in World War II. Funny thing, they discovered, as he was doing his training, that he couldn't fight in fact he should never have been drafted. Not because anything was wrong with him. He was physically fine. He wasn't anti- American. He was the right age. Everything was right except one thing.....

He was not an American citizen.

They asked him if he wanted to become a citizen and he said, "Yes". They brought a judge in and sealed the deal. That is the story of my Grandpa becoming a US citizen.

In verse 19 - 20 the Gentiles (that is me) we are declared no longer foreigners. The Judge has come and declared us as now apart of the promise of Abraham. I am a citizen of heaven. I am a member of God's family along with Abraham, Jacob, Moses, King David, Isaiah, Daniel! That is so cool. Christ has bridged the gap and all those who believe in Him are now a citizen of heaven!

I will end with verse 13....

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

I Am Alive, His Masterpiece, A Citizen!


  1. those three things really sum up the whole thing! I love the picture of the potter and the clay. that really is how He works in us!

  2. That was really good! I loved how you also wrote about being His masterpiece. I have that scripture highlighted and double underlined! And I also love how you talk about a seed needing to be planted and watered. I also loved the story about your grandfather.

    I am looking forward to tomorrows chapter.



  3. so true! praise the Lord for his hand upon our lives!


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