
Monday, December 20, 2010

Fumbly Bumbly Angels

For most Christians, Christmas programs are a tradition during the holidays. Here are some pictures of my kids in our program at church.

What a great "Christmassy" evening!

This scene stole the show. These kids were hilarious. These were the "Fumbly, Bumbly Angels" that could never seem to do anything right. They tried everything to get into the angel choir; but they always got stuck mending angel clothes. Later in the program, they end up completing the best task ever announcing the birth of our Savior. They totally type cast these kids....toooo awesome.

This scene was great. They were trying to get into the angel choir and lets just say they hit a few very wrong (well a lot), hopefully never sung again notes! Ouch! But it was really funny! Announcing the birth of Jesus!

The whole crew! They did a great job! Best Christmas program at our church yet!

Sweet Sisters, they are soooo angelic! No sarcasm here!

Angel BFF's

(Yes, I know it doesn't make sense to make that plural but that is how they say it)

Ooo and look at my handsome little man...he is so hard to grab a picture of and here is being a cute stinker.

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