
Monday, December 13, 2010

Not Me Monday ~ Froze My Brain Edition

I did not venture out of my warm home in sub-zero weather to go take pictures with my little point and shoot camera. I would never leave my warm bathrobe and comfy couch to do something like that.....NOT ME that would just be crazy!

I would not travel around the corner to a little park to get these pretty little pictures without gloves, snow pants, and a hat. Someone who has been a Michigander her whole life would never be so insane. She mostly certainly would not think to herself, "I will leave those things behind to make sure I don't stay in the park to long"....No Not Me!

I would not run at all taking these pictures to warm myself up.

I would not place these footprints just for a picture...Not Me!

I would not think, "I should sit down on the bench and take a picture after of my backside prints on the bench....that would be funny!" I am more elegant than that.

I would not love this picture!
I did not hear terrible sounds coming from this bridge when I walked on it. I did not imagine what I would do if I fell into the river below. I figured, considering how cold I already was, that I would die as soon as I hit the water....I did not think that....No Not Me I am stronger than that. HA

I would not love this one too!!!

I did not travel on private property....
To get a picture of these cute little trees!!!!

I did not jump out of my warm car to grab this picture...Nope Not Me!
I did not think how fun would this picture would be. I would also not think how wonderfully tall this 5'1" girl looked today! Well, check out those long legs ....Whoo hoo!
I did not run back to the car with my arm on top of my head trying to warm up my brain; because I didn't bring a hat. I did not frantically try to use my car starter from a 1/2 mile away.
I did not have to defrost my glasses and myself!!!!!!!!!!

I do not have Pneumonia now...Nope Not Me!!!!!!

"Whenever I’m about to do something I think, would an idiot do that? And if they would I do not do that thing!" ~ Dwight Shrutte
I am NOT an idiot!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


  1. Oh dear - those are AMAZING photos, but I do hope you stay inside or at least dress warm the next time ;) Feel better soon!

  2. your pictures look great! good job, my freezing, crazy friend! :)


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