
Monday, January 10, 2011

Not Me Monday ~ B-Ball Edition

My daughter is not old enough to be on a basketball team....I would not be sad that she is growing up too fast...Not ME!

At my daughter's basketball tournament my son would not be yelling like everyone else in the stands....Not My 2 year old.

And of course my daughter would not be wearing the most unmatching crazy socks in the whole world...Not My daughter. I would not love it either!

I would not love my new camera sooooooo much that I would spend most of the time trying to catch some of these amazing moments.......totally NOT ME.

I would not be so excited for my daughter and be completely happy for her......Not ME!

Being a good mom, I would never let my daughter sit alone at the top of the bleachers playing her DS for the next two hours....Nope Not Me!

I would never ever let my very sleepy son lay all over the floor, roll around on the nasty floor, and eat loads of candy just to keep him happy so we could watch her play....No Most Certainly NOT ME.
Oh and I would not secretly steal his Skittles when he wasn't looking and eat them...Are you kidding me??!!! I would never do that! Who would steal candy from a baby! Ridiculous!

I would not be completely in love with the man who is coaching my daughter's team! Madly, In love!....Not ME!

I would not be using my big cheerleading voice at this game, shouting terms about basketball that I was not sure of, or call girls by the wrong name, or be the loudest encourager! I would never be so un-elegant...hehehehehehehehe!

My daughter's team would not then win the game...........Not my amazing daughter!

It would not be the most unexpected amazing day.....NOPE it would NOT!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


  1. It sounds like it was an exciting game that you didn't go to. :) Love the socks!!!

  2. :) madly in love? :) after all these years of teasing and torment? LOL

    what is your new camera? I sent my new one back because I didn't like it. Now looking for another one.

    have fun with todd and monica! I'll call you today


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