
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wednesday's Walk ~ Scary Faces and Spilled Chips!!!

My sister is gonna kill me; but my friend Jenilee asked if we had any unpublished photos and I immediately thought of this one. I was saving it for something...I guess this is the something.

My sister is so awesome. She is always up to trying something new...this day it was a green face mask.
And as I was writing this post my son did this with our new bag of dog was very happy. However, my oldest daughter declared it an unfortunate event.

Ahhhhhh Life!!!!

Jenilee at The Goodwin Family is hosting Wednesday's Walk.


  1. Love it! Looking forward to more Wednesday's Walks in 2011.

  2. These are great pics Christina! I never seem to think of grabbing a camera in times like these...but they are the times of our lives...and kinda fun to remember huh?

    I love your blog's name..."Get Joy"!!!! We all need to fill our lives with The Joy of the Lord!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  3. :) the green faces are priceless LOL Did Jenn see this yet? :)


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