
Saturday, February 12, 2011

She is 8!

Ahhhhh they never stop growing, another year gone. If there was a way of keeping them 8 forever.
(I blogged about the party plans here)

We had a yummy make your own sub sandwich dinner.

A wonderful time with best friends...

Cake time...make a wish!

Showing off their mighty fine dance skills...hillarious!

They had fun painting their faces!

I loved the way my kitchen table looked when they were done...I had to grab a picture of it. It is a sign of things to come.

Before you know it they have grown up much faster than you thought they would. I love you my sweet baby girl! Happy 8th Birthday! Everyday you help me ....GET JOY!

1 comment:

  1. can you come be my party planner? your parties are always adorable! Happy Birthday to a Sweet Girl!


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