
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday's Walk~ Snowzilla 2011

One of our favorite things about our home is that after a snow storm the school plows their snow from the parking lot into our yard....some may think that is a nightmare but for my kids it is a snowmiracle. A special shout out to our neighbors, "Thanks Steve for bringing your snow plow over and helping us remove a 2 1/2 ft drift out out of our drive way!" Oh and a BIG Thanks to the school plow guys for not plowing any of that snow into our drive way...they are awesome! A perfect snow day for my kiddos. Hot chocolate and warm chocolate chip cookies to come after lunch...yum..good day, good day! Yeah!

I love living in Northern Michigan! ......well sometimes!

Jenilee at The Goodwin Family is hosting Wednesday's Walk.


  1. What a fun time for your children! I grew up across the street from a restaurant, who of course would plow their parking lots into HUGE mounds at the end, and we'd play for hours on those mounds! What great memories your kids are making right now! I love Michigan winters too :)

  2. beautiful! I love those big snow piles! my girls have never gotten to climb on that much snow... maybe one day!

  3. I want warm cookies :(

  4. looks like some winter fun!

  5. Wow - look at those snow pile!! Reminds me of growing up in Buffalo, NY :) Lots and lots of snow.

  6. Wow! My boys would love having snow piles like that. Two years ago we went to visit my friend in metro Detroit and they loved their first experience in snow deeper than two inches. :)

  7. We got the bitter cold, but not the snow. Just a dusting. Looks like fun!

  8. The boys are getting past that stage, mostly. They'll venture out into it occasionally. I think having to shovel it kind of burned them out on staying in it just to have fun.

    Looks like your kids had a blast!


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