
Friday, March 11, 2011

Freeing The Fat Friday- I am a Food Addict

God's Lesson For Me
I love food....I mean I really love food. In fact, a month ago I told my hubby that if I was not a pastor I think I would have been a food critic. I love gourmet food. Give me some fresh mozzarella, pesto, warm focaccia, crème Brulee, rack of lamb, eggs Benedict with creamy hollandaise sauce, fresh herbs, chocolate torte, buttery brioche, Godiva truffles and I am floating on clouds of freshly whipped heavy cream in heaven. I am also then broke and not to mention getting heavy by the second. heheheheeh

Now don't get me wrong, being a food addict is serious stuff; but hey I warned you that in order to do this I have to find the joy in this. My passion for food unfortunately has gone strait to my mid-section. Needless to say, I am paying the price for it with my health.

1 Corinthians 6:19 (New International Version, ©2011)

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

Overcoming my addiction is very difficult; because it is the one addiction you have to keep partaking of for the rest of your life to live. There is this delicate balance of understanding how much food is appropriate for me. It takes self discipline and work everyday for the rest of my life. With God's help He is showing me that I am not my own. Each decision is important and has an effect of me and those around me. I am learning to care. I didn't use to care about what I put in my mouth....I just wanted to eat it. I feel I am in a good place with my relationship with food and getting better everyday. It is a life change for as long as I live.

Whether, it is me starving my self or overeating it has to be brought into submission before God. Because my body is a temple for Him and I want to glorify Him in all that I do.

Meals for the week

I am using and it is working out great. My sister and I call each other everyday to hold each other accountable. It has been a great experience for both of us. We have had some ups and downs; but we are 95% of the time achieving our calorie intake. It is so easy to count calories!!!!! Yeah!

Still coming of the stomach flu. It really messed me up. Yikes....maybe next week.

Food's Favorite Friend

Okay, so I had a miracle happen yesterday, I went to Subway. Have you ever followed the stickers on the glass???? They show you exactly how to make a low calorie, low fat sandwich the way you would like it. You just follow the stickers. I literally almost cried at the ease of figuring out how many calories my lunch was yesterday. I had the sweet onion chicken teriyaki (without cheese mind you), with apples, and a diet coke, all that for only 430 calories...tears, tears, tears. I heart Subway!

Life Challenge
That my body would be a reflection of the glory of God!
Next Week
I will share so results

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you, Christina. Food is one of the toughest addictions in life because, as you said, we have to eat to live!

    Will pray that God gives you willpower and wisdom.

    I heart you! :o)


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