
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Romans 15. part 2 - Passion for Missions

20 My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard,

We are left with the challenge from Paul to spread the gospel to those who have never heard. Paul is such a great example of a true missionary. He was so driven to share the love of Christ. And through the power of the Holy Spirit, Paul radically launched the greatest movement of church history.... the spreading of Christianity into all the world.

Maybe God has not called you to a foreign land to tell others about Jesus; however, He has given us a job to do. We need to have a mission's heart. I was telling my kid's in kids church that we can have a heart for missions. They can pray for missionaries, give to them and even go themselves on short or long term trips. We need to be missionaries where ever we are. We all come into contact with people everyday that have never heard the "Good News". A Christ follower should have a desire to spread Jesus' love because the time is running short.

I wrote a blog post before, check it out "Heart for Missions"!

Let's have a passion for missions and....

Our missionary friend, Matt Love, took this picture while my husband was in the Dominican Republic working with him on a short mission's trip.

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