
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - You Got A Friend In Me

Toys play such an interesting role in our home. They cultivate imagination, create disasters of epic proportions and fill my home to overflowing. My vacuum has suffered polly pocket shoe indigestion. Stuffed animals have hijacked the bedroom closet. Naked barbies are on the attack in the bathroom tub. Super Hero's lurk in the corners waiting seize the day from me. But slowly the toys will be boxed up and disappear as time goes on. I have seen evidence of the sad goodbye's with each garage sale. Toys are a reminder of the short time I will have with my children. So with each McQueen, every Larry Boy, Barbie and Polly I will cherish every moment; because they will not be around forever. Cars, Cars, Cars my boy loves like no other. Thank you Pixar for taking over my home and nearly killing me as I stepped on your little artistic creations.

I think the Toy Story movie reflects the heart of child so much. I can remember when I was a little girl not be able to decide which stuff animal to sleep with because I didn't want any one of them to be lonely. And just like my daughters, I would line them all up on my bed and fall asleep happy because they were happy. " You got a friend in me"!

Would you like to order some plastic pizza, a side of hard crinkle fries and some imaginary juice spilled on the floor several times as it brought to your lap. Yes...Please and Thank You!

My oldest has never been really interested in toys like my middle girl. My oldest daughter is totally into crafts and creating. These are her toys!

I found their American girls all set up like this when I came home last night, very cute.

I let my girls use my old camera to take pictures of their are some of their shots of their favorite things. I love how they posed them just so....heeehehehehee!

My children & their toys help me ....

Jenilee at The Goodwin Family is hosting Wednesday's Walk.


  1. cute! I love seeing their toys! and, yes, she does love her some duct tape! lol

  2. We are so with you on the Cars cars (doesn't that sound redundant?) and Toy Story toys. They are everywhere in our house. I swear as cute as Woody is, he's kinda creepy at 1am when I have to go to the bathroom and he's staring at me.

    Visiting from Jenilee's blog

  3. I LOVE it! What a cute post, the pictures are great. Love the last one!


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