
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Favorite Art - M.C Escher

I love, love, LOVE M.C Escher. Some of his work is so creepy; but I love the mind tricks he plays on us through his art. I have a book with a lot of his work. It is so fun to look at. I think I also like his stuff because I love to do black and white, pen and ink, pencil drawings best.

He did 137 pieces and these 4 are my favorites!

Are you really sure that a floor can't also be a ceiling? -Escher

This last one is my all time favorite of his!

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. I think it's in my basement... let me go upstairs and check.-Escher

This quote made me laugh....
I don't use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough. - Escher

Here is his official site and you can read about him there. I could have went to see a traveling exhibit of his work 2 years ago...I didn't go. Here is some advice...if you ever have the opportunity to go see something that you love...DO IT, DO HESITATE, JUST GO! I found out his work is rarely on display because it is sensitive to light. I should have went....lesson learned.

I will enjoy his work from afar and

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