
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - The Peace Patrol

"Hello, My name is Sam Saint, Super Sleuth!" said Dick Gruber a child's evangelist about 27 years at my christian schools chapel. For the next half hour, I listen to him intently as he shared the gospel in a very creative detective kind of way. I loved every second of his presentation and remember a lot about it to this day. Out of all the children's Pastors/ Evangelist I have ever heard hands down he was my favorite. My hubby thinks he heard him when He was a kid too.

Yesterday, my kids went to came home from kids camp and couldn't stop talking about the speaker. There two favorite things at camp Go-Karts and the service. I later found out...Sam Saint Super Sleuth was there. I nearly cried, because the very same man who spoke into my heart so many years ago had now spoke into the lives of my girls.

So, thank you Sam Saint, Super Sleuth....thank you.

"I am living for him faithfully in the Peace Patrol with my partner the Holy Spirit" and I will ....

Pictures of my kids at camp!

Ideas for Wednesday's Walk
Do you have any memories from kids camp?
Did a speaker, pastor or Evangelist speak to you in a special way?

PSA: My family is on a sabbatical and I will not be online very much over the next month and half. I will still be posting Wednesday's Walk and reading your links. Don't get mad if I don't post your comments for awhile. I will read your link ups when I can. Thanks everyone and have a great summer. ~Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. My boys and I LOVE camp! but my Wednesday's Walk is all about Alaska today. Can't seem to find the linky, so I'll copy it here. Thanks for hosting!


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