
Friday, September 23, 2011

Vote for me, For V.P!

My daughter's speech today!

Hi, I am running for vice president of the sixth grade class. I would love it if you gave me the opportunity to serve and represent our class. I would make a good vice president for the following three reasons: I am very creative; I am a good worker; I am also very friendly and will be able to work well with a team.

The first reason that you should vote for me is that I am very creative. That means I would be very helpful when it comes to designing and decorating for our events. This also helps me to come up with creative ideas or more efficient ways to get things done. I could make things more interesting for our grade.

Second, I am also a good worker. I have a proven track record of getting my work done well and on time. I would be able to do any tasks the president gives me to do. I was recently awarded the honor of Honor Star in girls ministries at my church. This took a lot of work over the course of several years. I am able to stick to a project even if it takes a long time and a lot of hard work.

Third, I am also very friendly to other people. So I would be great and fun to work with. I get along well with everybody and would be able to work as part of a team. I’m very outgoing and not afraid to try new things.

I look forward to having the opportunity to serve our class as vice president. I hope that you will vote for me. Remember I am a very creative person. I am not afraid of a little hard work. I will do whatever it takes to get the job done. I will also work with the team and be supportive of others in an effort to be the best class council we can be. I hope I can count on you to vote for me for vice president of the sixth grade. Thank you.

Any of you Cosby show fans??? Do you remember the episode when Clare is out of town and Bill helps Rudy with her homework? Do you remember when the teacher calls him in and explains how to "Help" his daughter do her homework...not do her homework? Hahahahahaha that is what happened in our house with this speech. My daughter did not know what her proven track record was until he explained it to her. Hahahahahahaha

Good thing she has a great campaign manager - ME!

A great speech writer - DAD (everybody's speech was like 20 seconds, her's 2min)

And nobody running against her!!!! A SURE VICTORY! WHOO HOO!

A new V.P. in the house....


1 comment:

  1. If your kids were any cuter you would have to change your last name to "Von Trapp." You and John are truly blessed. :)


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