
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday's Walk- Kid's Night

So, I don't post a lot of stuff about our church...I am going to fix that right now. We just had a Kid's Night not to long ago. We had a great time and I had the opportunity to share Christ with the kids and parents.

We did a bunch of fun things like playing Gigantic Twister,

sliding down the Awesome Inflatable,

eating lots of hot dogs,

and riding the too Cute Horses!

Wednesday's Walk ideas if you are all out...
Do you have any memories of a church event?
Do you have any memories of a person at church that was special to you?

I love our church and our people who go there. We are blessed and they help me....

1 comment:

  1. looks like a fun event! i've never seen twister like that. what a fun idea!!


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