
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Getting Ready Dear Valentine!

Growing up in my home, my mother always made Valentines day very special.  Hearts where hung around the house. Pretty wrapped gifts were set out on the table waiting for us to eagerly open them.   The sweetest thing about that day was that it was my mom's birthday as well.  Even though it was her special day,  she always made us feel so loved too.
So, here is what we do to get ready for one of my favorite days of the year...
Getting valentines ready for school!  Pinterest, OH how I love you!
 Being careful not to miss any names, even the boys.
 What a silly girl!
 What a very silly girl!
 Making some more valentines for her girls club at church.
 The house is decorated in hearts. Valentines have been mailed!
 Even my flowers have bloomed on this special day!
Happy Valentines Day!
And a very Happy Birthday to my beautiful mom!  I love you more than words can say!

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