
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Left, Left, Left, Right, Left!

This past week, John and I went to boot camp. A church planting boot camp through Church Multiplication Network.  Wow...It was intense...really intense and oh sooo good.

We answered six key questions...
What does God want me to do?
Who am I?
What am I sent to do?
How will we do it?
Who will do it with me?
How will we evaluate our progress?

One thing that I discovered is that boot camp will do one of two things...

1. Give you the tools to accomplish the plan God  has burning in your hearts.

2. Or you will have a clear understanding that God has not called you to church plant but support those who do.

I could never remotely sum up all that God spoke to us over the last 5 days; but here are some quick ones:

Our vision for Bay City is now God sized!
That God has prepared our lives from the moment we where born to be the very best people to do this job.
God has very clearly mapped out His vision and mission for Bay City.
We must be intentionally reaching those who do not know Christ.
We can't do this alone.  God is already calling people to come along side of us.
We have to stay on assignment!

I feel overwhelmed; but I feel confident. Not because of my own abilities; but because of God's!

  If you are reading this and are considering planting a church...absolutely go to CMN boot camp. It will radically change the way you start and do church.

We are so excited to start this adventure!
Get Joy!

1 comment:

  1. I heard that you were pretty artsy there! :) I'm so glad you had such a great experience!


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