
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Hospital Easter!

Our spring break ended very differently than planned.  Instead of an Easter weekend filled with church, baskets, and eggs...there was iv's, ct scans, gowns, surgery and medicines. 

Our oldest daughter suddenly got very sick during a good Friday service and 48hrs later she was appendix free on Easter morning.  Wow, what a crazy weekend.  I will have to say it was weird spending Sunday in a hospital room on my daughters favorite holiday.

We had to take some pictures and these are approved by my daughter.  We decided to not show the picture of her infected appendix (that did not rupture, Thank You Jesus!) can thank me was ugly!

(I did ask for her appendix to take home.  I thought she could take it to science class for extra credit.  They wouldn't let me...they said it was a bio-hazard...whatever!  I guess I will just have to be happy with the pictures. LOL!)

Here she is in our town's ER, Saturday night.  She was not in a whole lot of pain.  Her tummy hurt just a little bit.  But after 24hrs of being sick and never feeling any better and a slowly rising temp...this mom was ready for doctors to take over. 
 She was so brave.  The only time she cried was for about one minute.  It was when she was accepting the fact that surgery was necessary.  She was very nervous though the whole time.   This next picture is our ambulance transport to a much bigger hospital.  Mike, our paramedic,  was so nice at 3am.  He showed her everything in the ambulance.  He really made her feel at much so that she fell asleep. 
 Thankfully, daddy was able to be with us at 1:30am.  Even with surgery looming daddy was able to make us all smile.  He can be so silly, especially at 4am.   When we got to the pediatrics floor they made her put on these odd hospital pants.  We called them safety pants; because of what they said on them.  They were so weird and so funny.  We had some good laughs over the safety tips such as:
Don't eat wild berries
Learn about resuscitation (that is the one she is pointing too)
Don't climb (I guess we should never climb anything in our lives bwahahaha)
Stay away from poison ivy
Look out for wild animals 
Play Safe
Safety is Best

Here is the after picture and the appendix free girl!  The surgeon was pretty impressed with her amazing pain tolerance.  I think that may come in handy later.  LOL

Aunt Jenni came on Easter after her surgery to save the day!  She brought a chocolate bunny, Easter lilies, food, and games.  She knew exactly what this girl needed since they are both appendix free.  They are now officially appendicitis buddies. 
 The nurses were all so wonderful.  I have never had such kind and attentive nurses. They had a beautiful blanket, a stuffed animal and a coloring book for her.  We felt so cared for.   Of course it was just her on the whole floor for pretty much all Easter that had a lot of care to give. 

We had dear people come and visit us.  Thanks Chris and Elaine, Angie and Telisha (found her on the elevator visiting her grandpa, she wanted to check in on sweet).  Sweet calls from concerned grandparents, families and friends were so encouraging.  

I have to say that I could not be more thankful for all my friends and family that were praying for her.  One of the reasons I love facebook was that during the whole night, during her surgery, and after I had an army of believers lifting my daughter up in prayer.  Kind words, prayers, love and hugs were so encouraging and uplifting.   Words could never express my gratitude.  So, I humbly say, "Thank You from the bottom of my heart."  We felt God's peace and presence the entire time.  There is nothing more reassuring than knowing God loves my daughter more than me.  He has her best interest in His heart.  So, I was able to place her in His hands.    

As Easter was coming to an end we managed to get in a  rousing game of Rummikub, watch Hook, painted nails orange, created some fun things with Bendaroos  and we thanked the good Lord for His love!

I will end this post with my favorite status on facebook Easter morning.  It was Aunt Jenni's....

"Celebrating how Christ came to our rescue this Easter at the hospital and waiting for my niece to wake up from her appendectomy. Thank you Lord for coming to her rescue today!"

With that I will truly....


  1. so glad she is ok! I can only imagine how crazy John was that late at night or early in the morning, however you look at it! lol

  2. Well...that was quite an Easter! I am so glad your daughter is doing better after her surgery.
    I agree that facebook is a great source of encouragement...and an easy and quick way to get prayers going!

    Thankful that y'all made it through this trial by God's grace and the help of friends and family!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  3. Can I count as an appendicitis buddy, too??? I had to have mine removed when I was 11, almost 12, too!

    Many hugs and kisses from me to my sweet niece!



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