
Monday, April 23, 2012

The Name Game

Christina, Christina bo Bina Bonana Fanna Fo Fina
Fee Fy Mo Mina, Christina!

Hahahaha I loved singing that song as a kid.  I know it is not quite right with my name...but that is how I made it work.  I love my name.  I always have been very thankful for the beautiful name my parents picked out for me.  Yes, I could never find it printed on anything as a kid like fun barrettes, key chains or stickers...bummer.  But, I loved my name.   

Names are so much fun.  Names have a lot of meaning.  Sometimes those names came bring a smile, a special memory, heartbreak, thoughts, or even love.  Names are important. 

The right name for our new church is important too and not so much a game!  A church name can evoke so many kind of feelings as well.  We wanted to pick the right one.  The list of names was long at first, a brainstorm of sorts.  Then that list became more narrow...until one jumped out at us!

Here is our name for our new church in Bay City...
We just love it and it feels just right for our new community.  May God bless this new church and our prayer is when people hear the name they will know and feel Jesus.


Thanks for stopping by GET JOY! I enjoy getting comments on my posts so feel free to leave one. Have a blessed day and .....