
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Mother's Day Tribute

By, Christina Johnson

Dearest Grandma, did you ever know the impact of the words you prayed?
How those words would affect my children’s life today?

The life you lived and the words you said,
The tears you cried as you knelt by your bed.

Grandma, never wavering in prayer for your sons;
You trusted in God’s promise until their hearts were won.

The day each boy gave his heart to the One who died on a tree
Is the day God heard your longing plea.

That in heaven you would someday see your sons walking down that golden street,
And in that moment, in your heart, your joy would be complete.

Train up a child, God’s promise in His Word you read,
His old heart would not turn from the precious blood shed.

Today, you rejoice with your sons at your side
Before the One, together you are a part of His beautiful bride.

Because of the life you lived and the words you said,
The tears you cried as you knelt by your bed.

But Grandma did you know that there is so much more blessing to come?
When you wept for your family, could you have known the entire sum?

For here waiting on earth is countless generations of those who know
About their beautiful Savior their lives they owe.

They are pastors, missionaries, workers of Christ’s great call,
To rescue those perishing from the fall.

Even I, a very young heart, know His name,
And someday I will proclaim Christ's great fame.

And so will go on the story for generations to come,
Until this earth we all leave from.

To that Book of Life more names will be written
To Jesus their hearts forever will be smitten.

Because of the life you lived and the words you said,
The tears you cried as you knelt by your bed.

Thank you great, great grandma for what you have done;
For my life is forever changed because of God’s Son.

When I am old, may the same be said of me,
Generations to know Christ, a wonderful legacy;

Because of the life I lived and the words I said,
The tears I cried as I knelt by my bed.

Thank you Grandma!

I wrote this from the perspective of my daughters.  This is written in honor of my mom, who inspired the words and her beautiful legacy that she passed on to us.   The picture at the top is my praying Great Grandma Clara,and her sons.  My grandpa is in the middle, the youngest.  We have countless letters from the 1930's to my grandpa from his mom.  In those letters my great grandma tells my grandfather about the love of Christ for him.  We cherish those old letters.  Sadly, she passed away before my mom or I could meet her.  But someday....we will!

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