
Saturday, June 23, 2012

It's a Picnic Day!

Today, my daughter decided to go on a picnic and bike and her dad decided that was a good idea and that we would come along!
Here is shorty unhappy with me taking a picture of him again.  He was happy about the Oreo in his hand though.  I think at least three made it into his belly.
"I have food in my mouth...I can't smile"  Too bad....CLICK!
I have decided that there are just not enough pictures of me with my here is me trying to fix that problem.  However, I just ate an Oreo too and I didn't want to show off me chocolate teeth.  Bwahahaha
Here are some of the freshly picked strawberries I bought this morning from the farmers market.  The were perfect for our picnic lunch. Yummy!
Our beautiful ride home.  It was fun hanging out with my girl!
We took a few stops to enjoy the scenery...
and enjoy God's wonderful creation!
We even found the biggest, I think, dandelion I have ever seen.  It was fun watching her blow the seeds off of this one. 
Jesus, thank you for beautiful, sunny days where we can enjoy each other and You!  You always help me everyday....

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