
Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Beautiful Island!

Why I love Michigan, Mackinac Island! 
If you live in Michigan and have not been there stop what you are doing and go right now....what is wrong with you?!  Mackinac Island is one of our precious gems!  I love it there and I can't tell you how many times I have been there.... too many to count I am afraid.   My sister took us on a special trip to the island this year.  We had a great time. 
For the first time ever for me, on the ferry ride over they took us under the Mighty Mac (Mackinac Bridge)!  I driven over it several times and even walked across it. I have never taken a boat ride under it.  The kids loved it.
We rented bikes and rode around the island.  It takes about an hour and a half to two hours if you got kids who want to stop a lot (8 miles).  It is so picturesque.  As I rode my bike on this perfect day, I sang, "We're all going on a summer holiday, doing things we always wanted to.  Fun and laughter on a summer holiday, make all your dreams come true for me and you."

Playing on the shore and skipping rocks into the water was a very relaxing pass time.  Except for the rock flung at my camera...yikes my camera was not injured in the taking of these pictures. LOL  Thank goodness, I really nearly cried.

Beautiful...just beautiful!  We brought a picnic lunch and this was our view.
The downtown is very quaint and full of wonderful shopping and scrumptious places to eat!

And if you stop on the Island make sure to get some ice cream and fudge..... YUMMY!

There are plenty of other fun places to visit like the fort, butterfly house and the Grand Hotel.  We decided to keep this visit cheap though.
Someday, I will have to blog about the time my family stayed at the Grand Hotel and had the privilege to stay in the Presidential Suite.  It is the room dead center on the second floor. 
I love, love, love Mackinac Island!  It is one of my favorite places in Michigan and it is why I love my state so much.

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by GET JOY! I enjoy getting comments on my posts so feel free to leave one. Have a blessed day and .....