
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Hobbit Day!

The kitchen was decorated!
I am a big J.R.R. Tolkien fan. I have read the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.  In fact when I was a little girl, my dad read The Hobbit to my sister and I.  Yesterday, we joined with others celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the first publication of The Hobbit and of course today is Hobbit Day!
We celebrated by having Second Breakfast.  Hobbits if they are lucky eat many times during the day.  Today, to celebrate we are going barefoot and eat all day (not really but it sounds wonderful).  Hobbits have no need of shoes.  Hahahaha

I even used my Hobnail pieces.
The food was prepared.  We had scones with lemon curd, meat and cheese plate, crusty bread with jelly, and a fruit salad.  Yummy!

I went outside and picked the last of my flowers and herbs for a rustic centerpiece.  We love candles around here.  They are always fighting over who gets to blow them out when we are done.  My kids were so excited.  I made them wait in their room until 11am. 

At 11am sharp, we called my sister and parents and wished them a, "Happy Hobbit Day!"  The Hobbit holds a special place in my heart; because my dad read it to us as kids.  My beautiful sister planned a second breakfast with them yesterday as well.   Here are some pictures from their meal.

Does not her spread look absolutely splendid?!

During breakfast, we talked in British and Elvish accents. I also read the beginning of the Hobbit. Unlike Bilbo Baggins, we do not think adventures are nasty things....rather we think adventures are wonderful.

Hobbits, Dwarfs and Gandalf make for fun adventures.  And second breakfast with my girls help me....


Now if I only had invited the dwarfs to come...then they would have helped clean up the dishes.


1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by GET JOY! I enjoy getting comments on my posts so feel free to leave one. Have a blessed day and .....