
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Books, Cupcakes, and Ducks!

We had a really fun evening hanging out at our local library.  We love it there.  It has a huge children's area.  It is perfect for all three of my kids and their various ages.  The library can be a great free family thing to do, when you are looking for something to do. 

Shorty had fun playing with all the toys.  My 4th grader is into chapter books like crazy.  Don't you just love how she wore her coat. I think every kid wears their coat like that at some point.  
My book hater, the pre-teen, decided she loves the library today for all their crafty how to books.  I think we may have created a craft monster....Yikes!  How to knit, make jewelry, art...if you can dream can create it.  She planted her self on the floor and was perfectly content.  

Then we headed home for some hot cocoa cupcakes and our favorite T.V. show Duck Dynasty.  The Christmas special was HILARIOUS.  Go watch the episode, "I'm Dreaming of a Redneck Christmas", here!
Great times with my family during the Christmas season....priceless!

1 comment:

  1. Love your photos and Duck Dynasty! The Christmas special was hilarious indeed...still laughing at "Loy"!


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