
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

When Missionaries Come To Visit!

My dear friend, Jenilee, and her family came to our house for a visit.  It was such a great time with them.  They have become nationally appointed missionaries of the Assemblies of God to Senegal, Africa.  I am so excited for them.  They have just begun the process of raising money for their journey.  They have already achieved their first goal in their fundraising today and January isn't even over yet!  Awesome!  

They are traveling everywhere sharing this burden for African children, God has placed in their hearts, in various church around Michigan and their home state Ohio.  They hope to be in France by January of next year for a year of language school and then on to Africa for two years. You can check them out at, read their story, support them financially, and see what is going on as they journey to Africa.  

So, I am so grateful to have had them in my home for two days before they are on the other side of the planet.  

We home schooled together. 

We learned about Martin Luther King Jr.

We talked way to late.

Our girls played a lot!

We went to our church's Global Prayer Initiative prayer meeting.  

We prayed for them and the people of Senegal.

I got my Goodwin prayer cards!  Whoot Whoot!

We loved having these missionaries to Africa in our home!  
Godspeed Goodwins, Godspeed!

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