
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I Have A Teenager!

My sweet daughter turned 13 today.  She is too funny.  She was so exited about today, that she even counted down the days.  We are finally here... the day has come, she is officially a teenager!

For her birthday dinner, she requested ribs, corn on the cob, chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, and ice cream.  What a great yummy dinner, thanks to Sweet Baby Rays and Duncan Hines!  

Our gift for our daughter was a ring.  My hubby took her out last night for a special birthday dinner date.  He shared with her that the most important thing in life is for her to love Jesus with all her heart.  This ring is a symbol of that love that she has.  It is also a promise from us that we will do everything in our power to encourage that relationship with Christ.  

We put a lot of care into this ring.  We had it specially designed for her.  We melted down two rings that belonged to John and I.  John came up with the what elements he wanted in the ring and I designed it.  Her birthstone, the diamond came from one of her Great Grandmothers necklaces and the other two birthstones are her dad's and mine.  It turned out beautiful and she loved it.  
We are so proud of her.  Not just because of all the amazing things she does; but because of who she is becoming.  She is a pretty cool kid.  She is smart, witty, weird, and just plain fun.  But she just loves Jesus... 
And we just love her.  
Happy Birthday, my dear sweet teenager.  
I am so excited about what God has planned for you!
I love you, you amaze me!

My sister wrote a great blog in honor of her birthday as well.  I love it!  Go check it out.  

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