
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pencils, Paper, and Backpacks!

We are back to school.  We decided this year that we would give Christian school a try and so far so good.  I also got a job working there as well.  I work as a preschool assistant and the elementary art teacher.  Our lives are now pretty busy.  I will have to say I do miss 8:30 wake ups and staying in pj's.  I am however loving not grading papers and not having the responsibility of my children's education.

Here are my beautiful kiddos on their first day back...
My junior higher

My tween!
My Kindergartener who wouldn't cooperate for a picture....ugh!
He is not mad about school just mad at me for taking pictures....this picture says it all.  
But honestly he likes school...for real!
See I told you!
Loving school and loving my kids!


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