
Friday, May 22, 2009

Beauty & the Beast

A few months ago my oldest daughter stood up in front 40 high schoolers and belted out "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" at the high school musical tryouts. Last night was the opening and first performance of "Beauty and the Beast" that my daughter has had the privilege to be in the cast of. She is a "Sausage Curl Girl" (hence the awesome hair do that takes me a hour to do), villager, teacup and in the mob scene. It has been quite the commitment of my husband and me. Good sense has not left us; we go to every practice and are at every performance. We did not leave our daughter with a bunch of high schoolers for the last 2 months. LOL There are a lot of parents involved too. So, hopefully that calms the hearts of all you parents out there.
Actually living in a small town, you get to know the kids pretty well. Many of the kids involved are wonderful Christians. So many of the kids have just taken her under their wings and watched over her. It is pretty cool seeing how careful they are with my daughter. I think it is Gaston however who needs to watch out for her.

My daughter has gotten to know many of these great kids. However, public high school is public high school and we have had some discussions with her. It actually has been a great time of pouring into her soul about our words and the love of Christ for those who do not know him. I love that we have such a relationship with our kids that they can ask anything and we will do our best to answer their questions and show them what Jesus would have us do.

The director is amazing and runs a pretty tight ship over there. There is absolutely no goofing off. My daughter has learned so much about theater and singing. It has been so much fun for all us as a family. This is her as a teacup in "Be Our Guest"!

She has worked so hard and has never given up even after many late nights. She is so amazing. Yes, I am shamelessly bragging about my kid! Well, wouldn't you! LOL

God, you are so good to us. Help us to remember what precious gems our children are. Help us to remember to be in the world but not off it. Help us give them godly help and be living examples of You in a world that is so against Your nature. So that someday, when she leaves this world and takes that final bow...You Oh Lord will welcome her into Your big arms and say well done my dear...well done!

Pr 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

OH, during the first few notes played out popped a front tooth from my other daughter. What a fantastic night!


  1. She looks like a doll. I am sure she did great. Beauty and the Beast is one of our favorite stage musicals!

  2. She is ADORABLE!! How fun! It was so fun to look at these pictures. :)

  3. Wow. What a neat opportunity for her! One of our local schools did this musical last year, and it was broadcast on local access TV. So, I can just hear it all over again, with Rachel's sweet voice blending in...

    And hurray for Miss Kierstyn!

  4. I couldn't just put a picture of Micah on my blog. I mean, I couldn't leave out the girls, right??? :o)

  5. Wow! How impressive! Your daughters a beautiful! What a full life you have.


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