
Monday, June 1, 2009

A Pond, Frog Catching and a Little Shower of Blessings!

I have had just had one great weekend and I am having trouble honing in on what I want to write about. I think I have finally decided....

I am going to share about my time at my grandparents place.

My beautiful cousin Monica is getting married on June 20th. Subsequently, we had the privilege to give her a bridal shower over the weekend. I love the way my family does a shower. It is all out fantastic, creative party. The Mexican food was marvelous and a nice change of pace from the normal types food at such an event. I hate games but somehow my sister managed to come up with two that were really not bad at all (great job sis).

My favorite part was what my sister came up with that was simply moving. She decided to have people bless Monica with there words and scripture. She had those who were not there (her dad, brothers and fiance) write some things that we read. She then had the women in her life share blessings as well. I got to end this very sweet time with one of my favorite passages...

Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord Bless you and keep you;

the Lord make his face shine upon you (both Monica & Dan)

and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

What a blessing to bestow on someone. I can not think of any one thing that surpasses God's graciousness, His love or His peace. That is my prayer and blessing for who may read that passage of scripture. May you know His great love and may it be an inheritance for you, your children and their children.

When I go to my grandparent's place, I am reminded of that inheritance of God's mercy and grace. My grandma and grandpa love God so much. There home oozes peace and serenity (most of the time...well when my grandpa isn't doing some dangerous job like building a roof at the ripe age of 80 something LOL) My grandparents are constant reminders for me to run the race, to never give up and to finish it well. When I go there I get such a sense of renewal and strengthening for my inner most being. Thank you Lord for your blessings for they are new every morning. Thank you for safe havens for the weary.

Today....I will....


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