
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Not Me Monday~ My Boy Did Not Just Eat What!!!!

My dear friend participates in this thing called "Not Me Mondays". I always enjoy reading hers but never wrote any of my own. The reason why is because I didn't have anything to write about! I also know it is not Monday but I could wait.....NOT ME.

Oh a good mother would never leave her child unattended in a high chair for a lengthy amount of time to get things not me.

And of course I would never find my cute baby boy sitting in the high chair with something greenish brown all smeared on him and the tray....oh no not me!

And a good mommy would not first think, "I didn't give him green beans!"..not me.

I did not then smell the tray and realize that this was not green beans it is poop!...most certainly not me!

Then to my horror realize that he was eating have got to be kidding me...not me!!!!!

And a good mommy would then quickly pick up the child, put him in the bath, and not nearly hurl because of her extreme germaphobia....who would ever think of themselves before there sweet baby boy...NOT ME!

I would never then go blame my nine year old who heard him doing his business and then not tell me....what kind of irresponsible kind of mom would do that, she would certainly realize she is the adult in the house not her....not me.

And a wonderful mother would never begin to cry as she is washing the poop off his face and begin to worry that he may eat the dog poop outside next....absolutely not ever me!

So here is to my slimmest, dirtiest, poopiest, snottiest, all around boy....who I love more than anything, I would then never write about it so the whole world would know what happened today...NO NOT ME!

Somehow, I am going to try to rid myself of the images in my head and….

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


  1. hahahaha! That actually happened? I can't imagine the trauma. . .

  2. The question is...the trauma to me or to him???? LOL

  3. Christy Valade-AllisonJuly 23, 2009 at 3:47 PM

    lol.. no pooopy pictures?!?!?

  4. wow. i don't think my girls ever ate poop - their own or the dogs! ha ha ha!!! great Not Me! Friday post :)

  5. That is hilarious Christina! Imagine Micah as a full grown adult running around the dining room clapping with it in her hands and then you can imagine what I dealt with once!! Eww!
    Love ya Tawnya

  6. That is hilarious! It's nice to hear the crazy things that happen to other families too!

  7. Oh, Christina...thank you for the laugh. As soon as I read the first part, I thought, "But Christina hates germs so much!" And when I read further down...

    Welcome to being the mother of a boy! And just think: He's not even a year old yet. Just imagine what you have to look forward to! LOL

  8. It was not me that almost joined you in hurling as I read your post...
    I admire your courage to put this in words and have it forever in writing. Stopping by from Wednesday's Walk.


    I'm so glad those days are behind me!

    The Lazy Mom


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