
Saturday, August 22, 2009

I think I need a vacation from my summer vacation

So, I have not written for some time now. To be honest we have just been far too busy. We have had one amazing summer. Our pastor went on a 2 month sabbatical this summer that started June 1st and with that came some extra responsibility with our regular busy summer activities. Here is a picture summary of why I have not had time to write....

Family vacation in Ludington, MI...

Following week, Junior/Senior High Camp at Lost Valley Bible Camp
After that we had 2 and 1/2 weeks before John went on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic and the kids and I went on a road trip to Delaware.

Then to finish off the summer my parents to my girls on a three night trip to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island.
Sprinkle in 3 graduation parties, one wedding, baby shower, church picnic, Mpact girl stuff, two weekends at the in-laws cabin, and our 13th anniversary and various other things and you have the makings of one very, very full summer. I think I am ready for "school" vacation for me now. LOL

What a great summer, we certainly did

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