
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where Do The Days Go?

School starts next Tuesday and I find myself asking, "Where do the summer days go?" The older my children get the more I realize how short of time I have with them.

On Sunday, my oldest kept poking me, rubbing my arm and just kept being a little annoying during worship. Of course I snapped at her and told her to stop. Immediately after I was full of regret because there will be a day (very quickly) when she will sit with the youth group and not want to sit by me and be hugged. Needless to say the rest of worship my arm was around her holding her close.

So today, I took my soon to be fourth grader, first grader and one year old for one very long summer walk. Thank you Lord for stopping me and reminding me that life is full of precious moments and joys. Help me not let them pass by unnoticed...
Remember to enjoy your children they are precious gifts from God and don't forget to .....

Psalm 118:24

This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.


  1. That is so true! I've decided that NOW is the time to be silly, cuddle, etc.

  2. I loved this post. What a great reminder!!


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