
Monday, February 22, 2010

Birthday Week 2010

We have this celebration every year called birthday week. We call it this because my mom's birthday is on February 14th, my daughters is the 17th and mine ends the week on the 19th. Everybody gets their own celebration. This usually means many meals out and lots of cake. Usually, by my birthday no one wants anymore cake. This year we did some fun things and changed things up a bit regarding the cake. LOL

This year's birthday week seemed a bit more eventful because my parent and sister came to our house for the whole week. It started with my sister taking my oldest skiing for the first time. They really had a great time, even though my sister had some ski boot mishaps. LOL
During Birthday week, we had to keep up with our normal activities like ice skating lessons. My parents and sister had a great time watching them show off their skating skills.

Mid week we had a family celebration for my middle daughter's Bday. She loved celebrating her birthday with all of us.
For our girls birthdays this year we redecorated their room. It use to be a "Baby" yellow room as they called it. We had fun painting and using Little MissMatched (hey Jennilee you can buy mixy matchy socks on purpose here) for decorations. It turned out a lot more tweeny for our not-so-little anymore girls. They love it!

And we finally ended the week with my birthday. John bought me exactly what I wanted. It is this really yummy sugar free banana cream pie from a local restaurant.

We had to celebrate my birthday a day early. John took my out for lunch, shopping and a movie. It was so nice to have an afternoon just with him. My parents, Jen and the kids met up with us at Bennigan's later...I love that place. It was a really great day!
On my birthday I had to go to a funeral again. A wonderful Christian man from our church passed away on the 14th and we needed to be at the funeral. I ain't gonna lie it is weird going to a funeral on your birthday and I have done it twice in my life. I blogged about it at my old blog but I will post it here.
I really did have a great birthday and I had a wonderful time with my family. I even got a wonderful surprise from a new friend, TWO boxes of Tom's Mom's Cookies from Harbor Springs, MI. They are my favorite chocolate chip cookies on the entire planet! I am not kidding. You can order them online if you want to give them a try! They are so good.

I love birthdays...but I think I gained 100 pounds. LOL

Side note my older daughter started swimming lessons, a great Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks, she loves it!

Oh and here is what happens when you leave the box of gold fish on your son's tray.... hahahaha Had to share the picture!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had such a wonderful Birthday :) The girls' room looks SO cute! And we had the same high chair for Cayden that you have for Micah. Love what he did with his goldfish. Sorry I missed church yesterday, I was babysitting Ashlyn's other siblings and baby girl was running a fever, so she wouldn't have been able to be in nursery.


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